1 hour + Guided Tour through Reykjavik Centre.

Professional Guides from families going back to the beginning of the town will tell you the story of Reykjavik - from the Viking Era to the present.

With photographs and stories of the people that built this town you will learn about the first settlers and other fascinating people of Reykjavik through the ages. Fun and vibrant narrative.

In Winter: call +354 8931015

The walk starts from Hallgrímskirkja Church

on Skólavörðustígur

Language: ENGLISH

Price 15 Euros or 18 USD per person.

Call +354 8931015 or send us an e-mail: hheiddal@seylan.is

Old Reykjavik

The people, the houses, the old streets, and the local heroes.

© 2012  H. Heiddal

Get to know Old Reykjavik in a one hour walk. The Guide recounts his Family Saga, going back all the way to the founding of Reykjavik

By showing the Tour-ticket you get 15% discount at the Settlement Exhibition
Adalstraeti 16.http://www.minjasafnreykjavikur.is/english/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-4206/

A Guided Tour - walk through history

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